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Recap: Chucky Throws a Killer Halloween Party & Tiffany Masters Voodoo in the Mid-Season Finale

Chucky is the death of the party while Tiffany gets to work in prison in Season 3, Episode 4, "Dressed to Kill."

By James Grebey
He's Not Dead Yet: Chucky Will Return in 2024

This story contains spoilers for Chucky Season 3, Episode 4, "Dressed to Kill."

It’s Halloween on Chucky once again, and as Chucky (Brad Dourif) promised two episodes ago, it might be the show’s bloodiest holiday yet. The fourth episode of Season 3 of the USA Network and SYFY show, “Dressed to Kill,” takes place on October 31st in two locations, both of which end up being pretty gory by the hour’s end. There’s Tiffany (Jennifer Tilly) and her voodoo-aided kitchen mayhem in a Texas prison, and there’s the White House Halloween party. Let’s start with Chucky before we get to Tiffany’s plot — age before beauty, y’know?

How to Watch

Watch Chucky on SYFY. Stream from the beginning on Peacock.

At the urging of the CIA’s Warren Price, who is still covering up the series of murders to “protect the administration,” first lady Charlotte Collins (Lara Jean Chorostecki) is going ahead with the party, held in honor of her deceased son Joseph, who loved Halloween and who died the previous year. Price is cocky about how thorough his security measures will be, and while the CIA is powerful… we all know they’re no match for Chucky. 

RELATED: We Learn Why Chucky Is in the White House and What's Up with Tiffany in Episode 3, "Jennifer's Body"

Halloween in the White House

Chucky appears in a window wearing a hat and white mask in Chucky 304.

Chucky is wearing a Phantom of the Opera costume — seemingly similar to the one the real Joseph wore. He drops his cutesy Good Guy Doll act around Henry (Callum Vinson) for the first time after the boy tells his dad (Devon Sawa) that he doesn’t want to attend the Halloween party. Jake (Zackary Arthur), Devon (Bjorgvin Arnarson), and Lexy (Alyvia Alyn Lind) will be his final three sacred offerings, Chucky says aloud, prompting Henry to ask what happened to his voice.  

“It’s an allergic reaction I have to questions,” Chucky quips, before telling Henry to ask his dad for a big knife to carve a pumpkin with. 

When the knife and pumpkin arrive, so does Henry’s nanny for the evening. Annie Gilbert, played by Saturday Night Live’s Sarah Sherman (who has had a run-in with Chucky before), is dressed up as Mary Poppins, and she seems to be a spiritual person. Though Charlotte doesn’t like that the nanny is talking about ghosts with her son, the two have a conversation later in Henry’s room where she asks him if he’s seen anything supernatural in the house. But, just as Henry’s about to mention the talking, living doll, Annie cuts him off to brag about her own encounters with the ghost of Abraham Lincoln. 

(l-r) Chucky, Annie Gilpin (Sarah Sherman), Henry Collins (Callum Vinson) sit at a table with a large pumpkin in Chucky 304.

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Meanwhile, the party has begun and Jake, Devon, and Lexy make it through security — but the hidden Chucky-killing weapons they tried to smuggle in as part of their costumes don’t. Still, they resolve to try to subdue Chucky anyway, and at the very least get video evidence of him being alive on Devon’s phone. Grant (Jackson Kelly) greets his new “friends” and introduces them to his parents, though President Collins (Devon Sawa) is distracted by a young child wearing a Phantom costume, just like Chucky. It’s not the doll, though. Is it a partygoer? Or perhaps a ghost? It’s unclear. In any case, Lexy gets Grant to let them into the Executive Residence, and she feigns interest in him long enough that Jake and Devon can do a little doll search, though they don’t find anything. 

The trio leaves to head back to the party, irritating Grant who feels (correctly!) that he’s just being used. Henry, holding Chucky, appears and there’s a brief, tense face-off before the power goes out. When it comes back on, Chucky has disappeared, and it’s not too long before the President Collins picks up the doll in fascination. It seems the commander-in-chief is starting to realize that something is decidedly not right with this doll. 

James Collins (Devon Sawa) wears a suit and frowns as onlookers watch in Chucky 304.

But whatever connection he’s having with Chucky is cut short when Annie walks into the party, claiming she can see ghosts. She walks to the middle of the ballroom and looks up as a single screw falls from the chandelier. The massive metal and crystal fixture then plummets from the ceiling, and although Jake is able to push Devon out of the way, several others are not so lucky. It’s a horror show. Gretchen, the journalist, has been cut in half, and she snaps a selfie before she dies. Annie initially seems fine, but then she stands up and we see that the entire front of her face has been cleanly shorn off by the falling crystals in a death befitting Sarah Sherman. 

(l-r) Devon Evans (Björgvin Arnarson), Jake Wheeler (Zackary Arthur), and Lexy Cross (Alyvia Alyn Lind) all wear Chucky costumes at a Halloween party.

Chucky, we learn, loosened all the bolts, and after the first family is escorted up to the executive residence while Jake, Devon, and Lexy look on helplessly, we see Chucky attempt the ritual. He made 13 sacrifices, total — seven more than Damballa asked for. But, although the thunder clouds swell as he chants, when Chucky takes off his mask, we see that he looks awful! He’s still old, and for whatever reason the ritual didn’t work. “I’m f---ing dying!” Chucky screams to close out the episode when Henry asks what's wrong. 

Tiffany's Voodoo Fun in the Big House

Tiffany (Jennifer Tilly) wears sunglasses and stands in front of trucks in Chucky 304.

Tiffany, meanwhile, might not have killed as many people in this episode, but she made sure a different guest star suffered a gruesome death. It’s Halloween, and Tiffany is being taken to jail in Texas, where she will sit on death row for three weeks until she’s killed via lethal injection — as the corrections officer who escorts her in, Erica, makes sure to note. Tiffany is being kept with the special population because since everyone thinks she’s famed actress Jennifer Tilly, her presence in in the general population would cause a disturbance. 

When she gets some time in the prison rec room, Tiffany meets the other inmate in the special population, a celebrity chef named Evelyn Elliot, played by My Big Fat Greek Wedding star Nia Vardalos. Evelyn is in jail because she baked her husband and her assistant into a shepherd’s pie when she discovered they were having an affair.

Tiffany (Jennifer Tilly) and Evelyn Elliot (Nia Vardalos) talk over coffee at a table in Chucky 304

Initially, the two get along famously, bonding over organizational skills (“The feds classify us serial killers as either organized or disorganized… they classified me as disorganized. So embarrassing!”) and the way the media treats powerful women. But, things take a turn when Tiffany reveals that she killed Jennifer Tilly’s sister, The Big Chill star Meg Tilly, as seen in Season 2. Evelyn is disgusted that “Jennifer” would kill her own sister, and she tells Tiffany that she’ll be cheering when she’s executed, adding that Bullets Over Broadway was a “piece of s---” for good measure. She walks away… but leaves her cigarette butt, which Tiffany takes. 

Once back in her cell, Tiffany sees that her religious items — her voodoo supplies — have arrived, and she wastes no time in using Evelyn’s cigarette to control her body while the chef is in the middle of a cooking demonstration for other inmates. What begins as mumblety-peg escalates as Tiffany forces Evelyn to cut at her own neck, repeatedly slice her wrists, stab herself in the butt, peel the skin off her fingers, slam her face on a hot grill and against a wall, before dunking her head in a big pot of boiling oil. Her melted face just kinda sloughs off and she dies. Seems like overkill! But Tiffany's never done things by halves.

RELATED: Go Inside Chucky Season 3, Episode 4's Deadly Climax & That Shocking Transformation

When Erica comes with Tiffany’s dinner, she spits her gum in it, which was a mistake. Tiffany uses the gum to make a voodoo doll for Erica, putting the guard under her thrall. She tells Erica that she needs to acquire personal items from all six of the guards standing between her and freedom — and she has three weeks to do it. 

So, pretty good episode for Tiffany, who may be in jail but, as always, is the one in charge. Chucky, meanwhile, seemingly can’t escape the prison that is “old age” no matter how many people he kills. We’ll have to wait to see what good old Chucky (literally — well, maybe not the “good” part) does next.  

Watch all of Chucky on Peacock.

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