Assaph Mehr

assaphmehrThis week the spotlight shines on a talented author who likes to dabble in mixed genres. I very much enjoyed his first novel and have also enjoyed reading the short stories about Felix the Fox on his website.

Assaph has been a bibliophile since he learned to read at the age of five, (he had to yell at the librarian that he can read already so he could get a card) and a Romanophile ever since he first got his hands on Asterix, way back in elementary school. This was exacerbated when his parents took him on a trip to Rome and Italy – he whinged horribly when they dragged him to “yet another church with baby angels on the ceiling”, yet was happy to skip all day around ancient ruins and museums for Etruscan art.

With a rather diverse taste in reading – from fantasy to philosophy, from ancient times to the far future, he has since been feeding his addiction for books with stories of mystery and fantasy of all kinds. A few years ago he randomly picked up a copy of a Lindsay Davis’ Marcus Didius Falco novel in a used book fair, and fell in love with Rome all over again, this time from the view-point of a cynical adult. His main influences in writing are Steven Saylor, Lindsey Davis, Barry Hughart and Boris Akunin.

After years of reading and only dreaming of seeing his name in print, he suddenly started writing in 2015. He owes this to his wife, who complained that there was nothing good left to read. Once the challenge was accepted and Murder In Absentia was born, Assaph just kept on writing – short stories, flash fiction, and now a second full length novel. You can find them all on  His first novel Murder In Absentia is an “historically-themed, urban high-fantasy, hardboiled murder mystery, with just a dash of horror”.

When he’s not busy mashing up genres or interviewing other author’s characters on, this ex-Israeli-turned-Aussie enjoys his kids, cats, wife and even his day job. He hopes that his thirty years of martial arts make his fight scenes realistic, and that his love of history shines through his work.

Assaph now lives in Sydney, Australia with his wife Julia, four kids and two cats. By day he is a software product manager, bridging the gap between developers and users, and by night he’s writing – he seems to do his best writing after midnight.

All the places you can find Assaph and his writing on the web

Twitter: @assaphmehr
Google Plus:
Amazon Author Page:
Amazon buy link:

From the Author

Murder In Absentia is the story I always wanted to read. I have been in love with ancient history, and in particular Rome, since I first laid eyes on Asterix. Growing up in Israel, a country steeped in millennia of human history, and playing D&D just helped cement that love.

As a kid, I was a voracious reader. I borrowed my sister’s library card when the librarian said I was too young for the Sci-Fi & Fantasy section. I grew up on all the classics, reading and rereading them as I matured. Along with sci-fi and fantasy, I loved mysteries and thrillers – Agatha Christie, Raymond Chandler, Dashiell Hammett and Alistair MacLean to name just a few.

So when it came time to write, I had it all in my head – all jumbled together in my hand. I sub-titled Murder In Absentia as “a story of Togas, Daggers, and Magic”, as it draws elements of ancient Rome, Fantasy and Mystery. It’s also a bit shorter than “an historically-themed urban high-fantasy noir detective mystery (with a splash of horror)”.

If you like any two out of the three (Rome, Fantasy, and Mystery), give Murder In Absentia a shot. I trust you will enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Videas Lumen!

Ducky’s Quill interviews Assaph Mehr

DQ: Your bio says you were raised in Israel. Do you think growing up in a country once controlled by the Romans influenced your interest in that historical period?

AM: I recall standing on the hill of Old Jaffa, looking at the archaeological digs down. From the top you can see the Ottoman walls, and a few of Napoleon’s cannons that were brought up from the waters. Looking down, you can see the Arab settlement, and under it the Roman, which stands on top of the Greek. If you dig even deeper, you’ll find Phoenician (Philistine) and Egyptian temples. Across the waters are a few jagged rocks jutting out of the water. They are called Andromeda’s Rock, as according to legend this was where Andromeda was chained to the rocks to appease the sea monster Cetus, and Perseus rescued her by riding Pegasus.

I don’t think that the Roman occupation of Israel had much of an effect about my specific interest, but growing up in the place that was part of the dawn of civilization greatly influenced my love of history in general. I always liked the day trips to any old ruins, whatever the period (and, being Israel, almost every corner has a history going back a couple of millennia).

My love of Roman culture can be attributed to my love of Asterix, and to a trip to Italy my parents took me when I was 13.

DQ: I took a trip to Italy when I was in college. I loved Pompeii and Capri and would go back to spend more time in either place. Have you had a chance to go back to Italy since you were a child? What places there would you most want to visit again or for the first time?

AM: Sadly I have not. I also haven’t been south of Rome (we went north in our trip). It is certainly something I am looking forward to doing again!

I’d love to visit Pompeii, as well as Rome, Rimini and many other places I have only heard about.

DQ: As I read Murder in Absentia, I noticed that you included several kinds of food from the very common to richer fare. How did you come up with the dishes you describe?

AM: Some of them (most, really) are historically accurate. Garum (fermented fish sauce) in particular. The recipes come from various places, especially Apicius. There are also plenty of “experimental archaeologists”, who try to find out how Roman life was like – from how the legions fought, to how food was cooked and hair was braided. The obsession with squid is purely my own.

This goes beyond the food itself, though. All the dining arrangements and the culture around cuisine are true as well. From the street food (Romans were big on take away) to the arrangement of dining couches in formal dinners, it’s all historically accurate.

Food, wine and dining are such an important aspect of any culture, that I felt it critical to integrate it into the novel, to bring another layer of realism and richness to the culture in the novel.

DQ: Your book reminded me very much of the TV show Rome, except for all the backstabbing and plotting among the nobility. I couldn’t help but see a certain actor from that show as I read the book. Tell me who would you most want to play Felix the Fox should your book ever be made into a movie or TV series?

AM: There are a lot of good options… A younger Javier Barden or a (much younger) Harrison Ford would do nicely.  The role will need that rascally charm, as well as the darker undertones for some of the adventures.

As for the TV series Rome, I absolutely loved it despite the occasional historical inaccuracies. I think the cast was generally excellent, and carried the roles very well.

Ciarán Hinds (Caesar) is probably the best fit, both in looks and in charm (though again, he’s a bit older than Felix). Ray Stevenson (Titus Pullo) is a good actor, but he’s about a foot taller and twice the muscles than Felix.

DQ: There is a remarkable amount of data from the Roman era available to us. What made you decide to go with the “fantasy” aspect and add magic rather than a simple detective story?

AM: Two aspects. One, I know enough to know how much I don’t know. I knew that I could never be completely satisfied with the amount of historical research I’ll be able to do, and I wanted to get on with the actual storytelling. Second, it’s not necessary for the stories to be tied to a particular time in Rome’s history, with the associated people and events. It might actually be more distracting.

So instead I opted for a fantasy world. This opened up a lot of possibilities. I was able to pose many “what if” questions, and play around with how Roman society would develop – given the existence of magic, and certain highly influencing events.

For example, there is a list of past events detailed in the description of the bas-relief on the Pharos lighthouse. These all mimic events from our Rome’s history – but with a twist. I also toned down the grecophilia that took over Rome in later years.

DQ: I grew up on shows like Columbo, McCloud, Murder She Wrote and Quincy. The style of your story reminded me very much of Columbo and the way he would wrap it all up in the end based on one little thing he had observed that the viewer might not have. What “detective” stories/shows influenced Felix the Fox?

AM: I grew up on the same shows, as well as many similar novels – from classics like Agatha Christie, Raymond Chandler and Dashiell Hammett, to modern thrillers like Alistair MacLean and Tom Clancy. I think they all had an influence on the style of the novel – mixing adventure with cozy mystery.

In particular, two Roman-era detectives, Lindsey Davis’ Falco and Steven Saylor’s Gordianus, had the most influence on Felix. As a tribute, I made a passing remark that he learned to be a detective from Gordius and Falconius.

DQ: I thoroughly enjoyed Murder in Absentia. Do you have further adventures in store for Felix and when can we expect to see another book from you?

AM: Certainly. I am currently working on the second book, titled In Numina. I have plots for two more full-length novels, In Victrix and In Memoriam (spot the theme). I’ll probably come up with more as I write, considering the plots for these novels came to me as I was working on Murder In Absentia.

In the meantime, I publish short mysteries with Felix on my blog. It can give you a taste about the style of storytelling and about Felix. You can find them on

DQ: You seem to have carved an interesting little niche with your Historical Fantasy story. What other genre/s might you try your hand at in the future?

AM: I’ll probably remain with historical fantasy (I just adore this blend). I have these plans for a retelling of the Crimean War – from the Russian side – with steampunk elements. I mean, who can resist a young and dashing Count Tolstoy with a mechanical arm?

It is a long way in the future though.

DQ: What character do you tend to play most in D&D? Do you think that has affected your writing?

AM: It’s been years since I played, but I often played the wizard. I have a tendency to pick up jacks-of-all-trades, but with a magical bend. Somewhat like Felix…

And if you ever played Shadowrun (and this joke will only make sense if you did), I used to play a Troll Decker.

Thanks much for the opportunity! It’s nice to see the personal questions.

DQ: Thank you Assaph for your answers to my questions.

Read on for my review of Murder in Absentia


Murder-In-Absentia-cover4.5 ducks 4.5-duckies

Murder in Absentia is a mixed genre tale of intrigue, complete with a plot to overthrow the 1%, travel to exotic locales, and hobnobbing with some august presences. The tale begins when Felix the Fox is summoned to the home of a wealthy politician. There he discovers a murder most foul and the father of the deceased hires him to find out who did the deed and why his son was killed. As Felix travels about seeking the answers, many wondrous creatures and events are uncovered. But can he find the murderer?

My flowery language above is an attempt to help prospective readers get in the right mindset for this story. I am a fan of the murder mystery genre, the fantasy genre, and the historical fiction genre. Consequently, I was happy to dive into this book that mixes and mashes all three into one delightful romp. The possibility for over the top campiness was skillfully avoided, as was the easy path of making everything magical. Instead Assaph Mehr wrote a story that could have taken place in a Sherlock Holmes mystery weaving the mundane with a light touch of magic to make an altogether engaging read.

I particularly liked the attention to detail in the historical dress, lifestyle, food, and housing of the people of Egretia. As I read it, I recognized names slightly changed and a focus on a different type of governing bodies than in ancient Rome, yet the places, names, styles and customs had so much familiarity that I felt like I was there walking the streets of the great city, sipping wine in the Forum while my contemporaries argued politics, economics, and academics. Any student of ancient Rome knows the mythology of the time was an integral part of the daily lives of the people. Because of that, meeting a sybil on a lonely island was not out of place at all. Each detail of the lives of the Egretians was skillfully interwoven with the fantastical and mythological.

I have traveled to Italy, visited the ancient ruins of Pompeii, and experienced the Italian propensity for good food. This murder mystery did not ignore the national past time and it made me hungry in several places reading about the meals in detail. (Although I must admit the tour of the garum factory left me very much not interested in sampling that delicacy.) I particularly enjoyed the fast thinking Felix exercised with the governor of Kebros before the feast.

Now to talk about the issues. There were a few typos and misused or missing words. This can be found in just about every book I’ve ever read. These kinds of errors were rare and not glaring, so it did not interfere with my enjoyment of the book. The part I did find distracting was the words in italics. I learned they are the ones in the glossary and I am the type that will interrupt the story to go look something up in the glossary, so that broke the rhythm of my reading a lot. It is a quirk of mine and should not cause anyone reading this to pass this book by. The story is compelling enough that these small issues can be easily overlooked.

Overall, I loved this book and recommend it to anyone who likes any of the genres listed above and isn’t too much of a purist about mashing them up. Good job Assaph and I’m giving you my highest compliment here: I can’t wait to read more about Felix the Fox.


Review: Rising: A Second Death Novella

0 Rising 415x6224 ducks 4-duckies

I do not read horror usually. Almost every time I do pick up a creepy book, I am disappointed with the read and frustrated. However Rising was the exception. It is an introduction to the Second Death series and I did not expect to like it. I was wrong and now I want to read the series. That is one of the highest compliments I can give to any book or author, that I want to read more.

Rising starts out slow and gives only tantalizing hints of where the story is headed. I felt compassion for Jessie, whose mother has buried her grief in sex and booze. The author captures the angst of a teenage girl living with neglect, abuse, and grief very well. The build up is steady with events building the suspense in a way that left me knowing something was coming, but barely prepared me for the intense ending that grabbed me like a monster and smashed all my preconceived notions about the story into mangled bits.

Was Jessie justified in the path she took? That is like asking if it’s ever alright to be a homicidal maniac. No she wasn’t justified. Did she have a choice? I believe she did not. She was only fourteen and not able to resist a powerful force that took advantage of her pain and emotional distress. What I liked about this book was that Jessie wasn’t some snot nosed brat who didn’t care about anyone but herself. That would have been Marie. No Jessie was a good girl for the most part who was vulnerable because her home life was a mess. Brian Rella did an excellent job of “speaking in the voice” of a 14 year old girl and she was very believable.

Since this is a novella that focuses on Jessie and her life, the other characters are really only snapshots. They are like the straws that are stacked up, one at a time, that finally break Jessie’s good nature and then evil uses the cracks they created to call her to itself. Over all, it’s a good read and despite not liking horror, I will read Watchers of the Fallen.

Brian’s Author Spotlight

Interview with Brian Rella


Today’s spotlight is shining on someone I am happy to call a friend. When I started on the perilous journey of gaining followers on Twitter for Stormhaven Rising, Brian offered a hand, some good advice and lots of support. This interview, I think, reflects some of what a great guy he is. It’s my pleasure to introduce Brian Rella.

DQ: Some authors say they have always written stories, while others chose it as a career, but only started writing fiction later. How about you? When did you first start writing? Do you remember the first story you ever wrote?

BR: I have a friend who knew he wanted to be a lawyer since the seventh grade. That wasn’t me at all.

After high school, I wanted to take a gap year and figure out what I wanted to do for a career, but I was nudged (with the best intentions) by my parents to go to college, which I did. Halfway through my sophomore year, I withdrew from school and went on a road-trip across the US with friends that started in New York and ended two years later in Alaska. It was during that adventure when I started to write. Journaling would be a better word for what I was doing, but still, it was the first time I wrote on a consistent basis.

When I came home from that trip, there was still resistance to write in me, and I went on to finish my degree in Finance and Information Systems, going to work on Wall Street.

Fifteen years later, I got the writing bug again and in December 2014, my first short story, “Scarlach”, was published in Stranger Views Magazine, and I will never forget that moment, the feeling of accomplishment, and the inspiration to keep going.

DQ: Who have been your greatest influences in choosing “the path of madness?”

BR: Stephen King has always been a huge influence on my storytelling. I remember going through his backlist when I was in junior high, methodically moving from book to book. I read The Stand cover to cover in three days and then immediately read it again. It’s still my favorite book of all time. I remember thinking, “I wish I could tell stories like that.”

But it was author and teacher, Joe Bunting, that actually got me to jump off the road of sanity and onto the path of madness as you so eloquently put it. I took his Story Cartel course in the summer of 2014, and was off and writing stories from then on. I published my second short story and first anthology with a group of writers from Joe’s course. We still keep in touch and help each other out regularly. Story Cartel was an amazing experience.

 DQ: If you were a rich and famous bestseller, what single thing would you say most contributed to getting you there?  What tidbit of advice would you give others that were just beginning to consider writing professionally?

Consistency and practice have been key for me. Writing is hard work and takes a lot of energy and practice. A lot of people, including me before I learned better, believe that authors like Stephen King and James Patterson have some kind of superhero-writing-power, and just sit down and the story pours out of them in one draft. That’s a fairy tale. Writing is an iterative process, and I don’t know anyone that knocks out a perfect first draft.

So my advice would be, every day, sit in a chair, close yourself off from the rest of the world, and write. Don’t aim for perfection because there’s no such thing, but revise until your mostly happy with it. When you have something you’re mostly happy with, publish it. Publishing includes posting to your blog, fan fiction on Facebook, self-publishing on Amazon, traditional publishing, etc.. Just get it out there.




DQ: Writing takes up a lot of time, so when you find (make) time, what do you read for pleasure?

BR: A bit of everything really. Online periodicals and dailies for news and story ideas. Some non-fiction about writing craft and self-publishing. I also enjoy reading religious mythos and of course, genre fiction.

I read a lot of horror, but I also read science fiction and fantasy, and the occasional thriller.

I’m an eReader convert, and my Kindle is always backlogged with a full “to read” list. Right now I’m finishing The Psychonaut by Tom Adams (Horror). Here are the next several books in my queue, in the order of most recently purchased first, though I probably won’t read them in this order:

  1. Prometheus and the Dragon by Eric Michael Craig
  2. The Sundered by Ruthanne Reid
  3. 5,000 Words Per Hour by Chris Fox
  4. Jet by Russell Blake
  5. The Colony: Genesis by Michaelbrent Collings
  6. Monster Hunter Vendetta by Larry Correia

DQ: Can you give a sense of what your books are about, without revealing too much of the storylines?

BR: I am focused mainly on writing horror right now, and most of my stories have a supernatural evil antagonist, and a protagonist that must fight against it, or else something incredibly bad will happen.

My current project is a horror urban fantasy series called the Second Death, based on a short story I wrote called “Arraziel”. There are three books planned, and I also rewrote “Arraziel” into a prequel novella called Rising: A Second Death Novella. Book One, Watchers of the Fallen, is published, and Book Two, tentatively titled Queen of the Fallen, is in editing and rewriting stages. I hope to release it in September 2016.

The story begins with a fourteen-year-old girl named Jessie, who unleashes a demon (Arraziel) to help her — let’s say overcome — her difficulties with an alcoholic mother, her abusive boyfriend, and the boyfriend’s daughter.

Jessie is seduced by a supernatural evil, and as the series progresses, Jessie comes more and more under the evil being’s influence, and the two of them plot to raise an army and take over the world.

If H.P. Lovecraft, Stephen King, and Jim Butcher had a book-baby, I like to imagine it would look like this story.

DQ: Rising gave hints of the darkness under the surface. (I particularly liked the Cthulu clock in Olga’s bookstore.) Where do you gather inspiration for the horrors you create?

BR: H.P. Lovecraft’s Cthulhu Mythos was part of the inspiration for the Second Death Series. The other part was the Book of Enoch, a Christian manuscript, which was considered for inclusion in the bible, but ultimately rejected.

The opposing groups in the series, The Watchers (good guys) and The Fallen (bad guys) are my interpretations of good and evil beings from those two works. The antagonist and the Fallen are characters from the Cthulhu mythos with my own little twist on them. The backstory about who the Fallen and the Watchers are, comes from the Book of Enoch.

I also get ideas from the news (lots of horror stories there, unfortunately), and I put a little of myself into my fiction as well.

DQ: What sort of things can we expect to read from you in the future?

Books 2 and 3 of the Second Death will be released this year if all goes as planned. Following that, I have outlined a more traditional fantasy story in the same vein as Tolkien or George R R Martin.

I also have my “junk drawer” of started and unfinished stories that I’ve been collecting for two years, and there’s definitely some stories in there I want to tell.

I would like to write science fiction one day, but I honestly find it difficult to write, so that may be a while.

I’d like to thank you, Ducky, for your thoughtful and interesting questions, and for the opportunity to share my thoughts and work with your readers. It’s been a lot of fun getting to know you over the last couple of months and I’m so grateful we connected.

Thank you, as well, Brian Rella for your participation and your well thought out replies to my questions. I am not a horror fan, but I am looking forward to reading more of your Second Death series.

Brian’s Author Spotlight
Review of Rising: A Second Death Novella


Brian Rella ~ Author Spotlight

2014 350x350Brian lives in Tarrytown, NY with his wife, who he says is far too good for him, and his two vivacious boys who challenge his light-saber skills and knowledge of Transformers daily.

Most of his writing is done on the train to the cube farm where he works so he can buy stuff. In an effort to escape said cube farm, Brian decided to follow his passion for writing, and published two books in 2015. He hasn’t managed to escape yet, but he’s patient, and chips away at his dream every day. He published his first book in 2015 and hopes to write from his beachfront property overlooking the Mare Tranquillitatis one day.

The Monsters & Demons Horror Anthology he wrote in 2015 spawned the Second Death Series based on the story, “Arraziel”, from the collection. “Arraziel” was rewritten into a novella called, Rising: A Second Death Novella, which is currently free on Amazon. Watchers of the Fallen is Book One of the Second Death Series and picks up where Rising leaves off.

There are two more books planned in the series. Book two will be released in 2016, and Book three in early 2017.

Brian also enjoys American football, BBQ, 80’s Rock, craft beer, and the occasional small batch bourbon – not in that order specifically, though he wouldn’t complain about that sequence either.

0 Rising 415x622When Jessie unleashed the demon, Arraziel, she also awakened an ancient evil in the Realm of the Second Death. With a dark power at her command, will she leave her tortured life behind or take revenge?

Rising is the prequel to the Second Death Series.


When Jessie Hailey stole a book of dark arts from the bookshop in her backwoods hometown of Beauchamp, Louisiana, she freed Arraziel, one of the Fallen, and used his power to take revenge on her tormentors. But Jessie was unaware the ancient evil she unleashed was intent on destroying the world.

Spellbound by the King of the Fallen, and with Arraziel at her command, Jessie travels to Chicago to build an army and free the monstrous King of the Fallen from the Realm of Second Death.

Watchers of the Fallen is Book 1 of the Second Death Series.

Amazon Author Page:

Author Spotlight – Chuck Kelly

Hello my readers, today I present Author and Entertainer Chuck Kelly. chuckkelly

Chuck Kelly was born in Dallas, Texas, raised in Anadarko, Oklahoma, traveled some, and moved to California where he became involved in several areas of the entertainment and writing professions. As a performer, Chuck played trombone with Glenn Miller (under direction of Ray McKinley), Dizzy Gillespie, and various jazz groups. He quit playing to become a group singer and sang with the Jones Boys (2 years), the Modernaires (5 years), and other vocal groups. After Chuck left the Modernaires he became a studio singer where he did many recordings, television shows, and motion picture sound tracks. Chuck was on The Red Skelton Show for 5 years, The Danny Kaye Show 2 years; and did several TV specials that included Don Knotts, Jim Nabors, Andy Griffith, Dick Van Dyke, Danny Thomas, Ronald Reagan, etc. He also sang on commercials for Wesson Oil, Shell, Oldsmobile, Pontiac, Mattel Toys, etc. The motion picture voice tracks Chuck sang on include Sweet Charity, Hello Dolly, The Great Race, Peter Gunn, The Plainsman, Darling Lilly, Star, etc. Chuck’s singing career was in a period that was very special for group singers. They got to do it all. They sang TV and movie themes; were used as backup for other performers; backup for dancers to lip-sync their voices; and were used on camera as extras where they were transformed into every conceivable character and occupation known to man.

Chuck had always wanted to write and after 18 years of performing he became a writer. He wrote articles that appeared in the National Enquirer, International Musician, New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Smithsonian Institute, Playboy, Ebony, Eros, and Society of Singers Newsletter, etc. Chuck’s writing credits include over 500 published articles. He has interviewed several personalities, including Tex Beneke, Tony Bennett, the late Sherri Lewis, the late Henry Mancini, Peter Marshall, Tony Marshall, Tony Martin, Johnny Mathis, Jaye P. Morgan, Kay Starr, the late Joe Williams, etc.

Chuck was technical writer for, “The Alchemy of Intelligence,” published by Metamorphous Press; technical editor for “Pharmacology, Biology, and Clinical Applications of Androgens,” for Harbor-UCLA Medical Research Center, published by Wiley-Liss, and has worked as a technical writer and editor for several aerospace corporations including Hughes Aircraft Company, Northrop Corporation, Boeing, etc. He wrote the novelization from the screenplay “Supercock” about cock fighting in the Philippines that starred Nancy Kwan. Chuck has had two screenplays optioned.

His education includes a Master’s Degree in Communication and Organizational Theory from Sierra University. Chuck is also a Certified Hypnotherapist.

Memberships and honors include ASCAP, AFTRA, SAG, and Society of Singers Board of Directors, 1986-93. Chuck is listed in “Who’s Who in Entertainment,” “Who’s Who in America,” and “Who’s Who in the World.”

Chuck lives in Long Beach, California where he works as a writer and hypnotherapist. He is working on several projects that include a novel, screenplay, nonfiction book, and a children’s/young adult book series called “Legend of Otherland.”

Chuck’s books:

Evil Does Exist (The Legend of Otherland Book 1) EDEmed

Young Bunker Charles, prince of the mysterious and beautiful planet of Otherland, gets more than he bargains for when he witnesses a kidnapping. His pursuit draws him across onto the Dark side of his world. Battling foul weather, a faulty cobaplane and sea monsters, he must struggle to free his new friend Gittel from the Evil Pencinell and her minions, and return to his safe world.

Adventure Underground (The Legend of Otherland Book 2)

On the enchanted planet of Otherland, thirteen-year-old Bunker Charles is forced by a one-inch tall Flooglebopper to return with him to the center of Otherland in his cobamole. There he is required to defend the diminutive mining community’s precious mangolite from the one-foot tall Bargolians, who plan to steal the mangolite to light their underground city. Bunker’s friend Gittel is captured by the High Priest of Bargolia while attempting to rescue him and forced to to fight against him in their defence. Can Bunker use diplomacy to reconcile the two sides and rescue Gittel?

newspacecoverwebAdventure in Space (The Legend of Otherland Book 3)

Young Bunker Charles and his friend Gittel are accidental stowaways on the test flight of Bunker’s father’s new space ship.  They are drawn against their will to the planet Acron, which is run by the mysterious four-eyed graymanoids, who covet the triptonite from which inventor Steven Charles’ prototype spaceship is made.  He is captured and forced to work to provide them with the formula. Bunker and Gittel escape.  Can they overcome the mind control which keeps the planet’s kidnapped population enslaved, and free Steven and their new friends?

Adventure in the Secret City (The Legend of Otherland Book 4)  secretcityj

Young Bunker Charles’ first day at the Learning Center on the enchanted planet of Otherland goes awry when his father’s flying zoomer is ‘borrowed’ by a fellow pupil. Bunker and his friend Gittel give chase. In the legendary Secret City, they discover that all is not what it seems amongst snow-capped mountains, and before they can return home, they must battle to save their friends, new and old.

Where to find Chuck online:

Author’s Den
Crimson Cloak Publishing

My Interview with Chuck Kelly

Interview with Chuck Kelly


I am happy to introduce Mr. Chuck Kelly.

DQ: Your biography reads like a Who’s Who of the entertainment world. Oh wait, you’re in Who’s Who in Entertainment. 😉 I’m happy to interview you today for my readers. I visited your Facebook page and found posts regarding space exploration and science. Is your interest in science and space part of research for your writing or have you always been interested in them?

CK: I have always been interested in science. I used to read Popular Science magazines. The only science course I took was in high school. My stories are pure imagination on how I interpret science and the universe.

DQ: Your entertainment career is fascinating. So many great legends of TV, Screen, and stage have passed on. You knew a lot of them, worked with them. I am sure you have some good stories to tell. At some future date, will you write a memoir of that time in your life?

CK: I was lucky to have known a lot of the entertainers. As a studio singer, I worked with them on each TV show, or recording. I do have a lot of stories to tell, and yes, I am putting together notes now for a book about my experiences in life.

DQ: Like C.S. Lewis, your career seems firmly embedded in the adult world, yet Lewis wrote one of the world’s most beloved series of children’s books. What inspired you to write a children’s series?

CK: When I was in the fourth grade, Mrs. McMillian asked for those in class who would like to tell a story, to stand in front of the class and tell their story. My friends egged me on to make up a story and tell it, so I did. I used the people in the classroom as characters and we all began a wonderful adventure. Each day the kids in the class wanted me to continue the story, so I did. The time allotted for the storyteller was fifteen minutes. This quickly became thirty minutes each day after lunch. This continued all year. The next year Mrs. McMillian (who said she loved my stories) told the fifth grade teacher of my story telling talent and I continued the adventure stories for another year, all through the fifth grade. This developed my imagination greatly and I never forgot the experiences. When I read the Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew Mysteries, I told myself that I could maintain the same kind of suspense and excitement that these books had by writing my own series of books.

But first I had to follow my talent in music, so instead of majoring in writing in college, I took music. I did fulfill my dream of playing with the big bands when I went with the Glenn Miller Orchestra under direction of Ray McKinley, and then I joined the greatest, the Dizzy Gillespie big band.

My career in music wasn’t over yet. I still had to pursue my singing talents and became a group singer. I joined the Jones Boys and we did an album for Liberty called “Sittin’ on Top of the World”. The Jones Boys joined Betty Hutton in her nightclub act and we stayed with her for two years doing some TV and recording.

My biggest break as a singer came when I auditioned for the tenor part with the Modernaires. I got the job and stayed with them for five years. During that time we averaged one national TV appearance a month for the five years. One of those appearances was with the Bell Telephone Hour, which we did in New York. PBS has since taken that 6+ minute spot and they use it in their quarterly/yearly promotion for PBS. The spot features the Glenn Miller singers, Ray Eberle, Tex Beneke, and the Modernaires with Paula Kelly.

After five years with the Mods, I came home to work the studios. I was on the Red Skelton Show for five and a half years, Danny Kaye for two seasons, and did several recordings. I did commercials, movies (Hello Dolly, Star, Sweet Charity, The Great Race, etc.) I had a great run in the studios and knew it was time to get on with what I really wanted to do: write. After several years of magazine writing, technical writing and working as a freelance, I began the series “Legend of Otherland”. The stories sprang forth, just like they did back in the fourth grade.

Through the greatest publisher in the business, Carly McCracken, the books came alive as paperback books. I have written four books in the series, “Evil Does Exist”, “Adventure Underground”, “Adventure in Space”, and “Adventure in the Secret City”, all available through Crimson Cloak Publishing.

DQ: I find,  as a reader, that authors with a lot of life experience tend to write deeper, richer stories. Tell me how all your varied life experiences have helped with your current writing career.

For me, my imagination is my greatest asset. True, I’ve had many experiences that will be written down someday, if that is what is meant to be, and these life experiences only add to fuel the imagination. Life is wonderful. I take the good and the bad, realizing that nothing lasts forever. Everything that happens, does so for a reason. I savor every ‘now’ moment and look forward to many more.

DQ: Which of your books is your favorite one and why?

CK: The first book Evil Does Exist brings back memories of my enthusiasm for the story. But my passion for writing the series continued throughout all four books. So, I don’t have a favorite. Writing each one was a series of ‘now’ moments that I cherish.

DQ: What would you like your readers to take with them from your books?

Enjoy the stories and adventures. I hope that I can inspire each reader to use his/her own thoughts and create something different and spectacular! Imagination is in everyone. All we have to do is to tap into that wonderful gift and it’s ours!

Thank you Ducky.

DQ: Thank you Chuck. For my readers, the links to Chuck’s books are here in this interview or you can follow the links in the Spotlight post. Chuck’s story is fascinating and I’m happy he chose to share a little of it with us.

An Interview with Sanna Hines


Hi Sanna,

Before we start your interview, I want to tell you that I thoroughly enjoyed Shining Ones: Legacy of the Sidhe. I know a little of the mythology and it was fun to follow how you incorporated it into your modern story.

Ducky: In another interview, you said you write Young Adult novels. I did not get the sense that Shining Ones was for that age group specifically. What makes you, the author, classify it as Young Adult?

Sanna: I think YA involves discovery—particularly self-discovery—and the fact that life decisions are yet to be made. Tessa begins her journey steeped in the beliefs she learned as a child. After new experiences, she questions those Rules, begins to think for herself. It’s a mental Coming of Age.

All my books (two more out soon, I hope) take place during a short period of time: a pivotal moment. I think this fits with Young Adult, too. You won’t see me writing whole lifespans or multi-generational sagas; I’m too impatient!

Now, I do defy convention by mixing adults, younger adults and teens. Most YA stories eliminate anyone who might be considered an authority figure, but I think there’s a place for adults, particularly when travel is involved. In the U.K., for instance, no one under age eighteen can drive. A character list made up entirely of teens would have a lot of train travel and hiking to do. There would be issues, too, about lodging, money, even being under-aged kids on their own. Adults have their uses.

Ducky: Your location detail was very good. Have you traveled to all the places you mentioned in Shining Ones? If yes, what was your favorite place to visit?

Sanna: I visited Ireland, Wales, England and Scotland, but not all the areas in the story. To write the book, I researched every step of the journey from posted pictures and travelers’ accounts. Lots of map work involved, too. I have been to ancient places in other parts of Europe, so the sense of awe they inspire is part of my personal experience.

Ducky: I was shocked to learn you are from the Midwest, USA. Your knowledge of the ancient places of Ireland, Wales and Britain made me believe you were from there. What sparked your interest in the Tuatha Dé Danann and the legends of the Sidhe?

Sanna: As a graduate student, I studied the nineteenth-century art movement called the Celtic Revival. Artists in Ireland and the U.K. drew their inspiration from Irish legends. I loved reading those stories, thinking they were pure fiction. As I wrote the book, I began to see them as history, embellished perhaps over the 700+ generations they were told and retold before being set down in writing. Clearly, the stories were more than fireside entertainment. They formed the basis of the Irish culture and have impact even today.

Ducky: Shining Ones deals with traditions, legacies, family, and enmities. What do you hope your reader takes to heart about your book?

Sanna: Experience creates understanding. Before going to Ireland, Tessa sees the world in black and white: Dananns=good, Formorians=bad, mortals=danger. She realizes that mortals like Maggie are essential to her people’s future, that Formorians aren’t crazed psychos but people with a different ethical code, that Dananns may have their dark side, too. Most bigotry derives from lack of personal experience—too narrow a worldview.

Ducky: Share with us what you like to read. What authors have written books that just capture your imagination?

Sanna: I discovered a contemporary fantasy called Half Magic when I was a child. Loved, loved, loved the concept of magic in the ordinary world. When I exhausted my library’s supply of what I call magic realism (there are a lot of definitions), I went on to mythology, SFF, paranormals and mystery. Most recently, I’ve been reading other writers who touch on Irish myth: Shannon Barnsley, A.M.H. Johnson, Pat McDermott, and Christy Nicholas. In the mystery genre, I’ve enjoyed Elizabeth Horton-Newton, Brian O’Hare and Georgann Prochaska.

Ducky: Tell us about your processes. Do you have rituals? How about specific steps? How do you go about writing your books?

Sanna: My background in business communications taught me how to produce materials on demand. (“You want your paycheck? Write!”) Never met a Muse, but I’ve met many deadlines. When I start a new project, I outline the basics of what each chapter should achieve. Of course, the story takes on more dimension as it fills in, sometimes going in an unexpected direction, but always working toward the ending. To stay in the spirit of the story, I listen to music—one album played over and over. This works even after a lot of time has passed. Just play the music, and I’m back in those characters, that world again.

Ducky: Shining Ones is a mixture of practical and fanciful. The characters are going through some insanely wild adventures, yet they solve them and stay safe through the basic skills that any “non-magical” person might have, such as martial arts. How did you reconcile the mundane with the magical in your story?

Sanna: Dananns have Talents, not magic. Each person has one inborn ability. Tessa can change shape, but she can’t turn invisible or heal or see the future. In this way, Dananns are like everyone else. Sports stars, for instance, don’t wake up each morning dazed and thrilled by their own abilities. They’re used to being who they are; they take their skills in stride. I love writing about the ordinariness of extraordinary lives.


This was an interesting and informative interview. Thank you for your time Sanna and I hope to see many more of your novels out there soon.

Review of Shining Ones: Legacy of the Sidhe


4 Ducks   4-duckies

Sanna Hines took me on a rollicking ride, through the fabric of reality. In Legacy of the Sidhe, I met many of the legends of the Tuatha de Danann. They may be virtual demi-gods, but they are also very human. From America to Ireland and even a short stop in Wales to touch on the Arthurian legends, Tessa, Sam, Cory and Maggie seek to complete a quest to save not just their friends, but the entire Danann race.

What I liked best about this book is the way the author wove so many of the stories and legends of the Sidhe into a tapestry that told the story but didn’t get too busy with details. Many of the old legends from Ireland were only passed down orally for much of their history and in Gaelic no less. I’ve read a few of them, including when I was in Ireland and they are a wee bit confusing to my American mind. Sanna Hines did a lot of research for this book and it is evident. She describes Lady Grian and Lady Áine in the way of the old stories, but most of the other Sidhe were more recognizable and less confusing. I enjoy the story more as each new legendary figure was revealed and the main characters learned how to solve the riddles of the quest and of the people assisting them.

It was a little anticlimactic in the end and left me wishing there had been more detail about what happened to everyone. However, that is how all the good books end. They leave you wanting more. Good job Sanna Hines on a fun story.

Author Spotlight – Sanna Hines

Welcome to Ducky’s Quill. I’m taking the plunge into blogging with my reviews of books I have read. Along with some of the reviews I will be doing Interviews and Author Spotlights. Without further ado, please give a warm welcome to indie author Sanna Hines.


Sanna Hines

Sanna Hines is fascinated with the question, “What IF?” What if I were in danger? Would I face it with bravery and resourcefulness—or give in to fear? What if I could live forever, but my loved ones could not? What lies waiting to be discovered behind the veil of ordinary existence?

Journalism, art history and business studies led Sanna to a career in marketing communications. In 2004, she turned to fiction. Her first two books, Stealth Moves and Shining Ones: Legacy of the Sidhe, were published in 2015.

She holds a master’s degree in art history and two black belts in Tae Kwon Do. Sanna and her family live near Chicago.

As mentioned above, Sanna has two books available now. I have read Shining Ones: Legacy of the Sidhe and you can find my review here and Sanna’s Interview here.

Shining Ones: Legacy of the Sidhe

Ever feel you’re different from other people?

For police officer Tessa Holly, it’s not a feeling; it’s a fact. She can change her body any way she chooses. She will never grow sick or old.

Born a descendant of Ireland’s magical Tuatha dé Danann (Clan of Danu), Tessa expects to follow her clan’s Rules in all things–friendships, career, even marriage.

But when her brother and a human girl are seized by enemies bent on stealing Danann longevity, the Rules don’t help. To rescue the captives, Tessa must rely on a man no one trusts as her guide through cairns, castles and cathedrals of Ireland and Britain in search of her people’s greatest treasures.

Along the way, she discovers a power greater than all others. If she uses it, she could save—or destroy—her people.

To purchase: Shining Ones: Legacy of the Sidhe

Stealth Moves

Three daring, daylight kidnappings stun Boston. When Beacon Hill preppie Liv Smallwood sees an extraordinary classmate taken, she can’t wait for police to find her friend. Liv launches a social media campaign to intrigue the kidnapper and draw all of Boston into the search. Even this is not enough.

Two obstacles stand in her way: bodyguard and kidnapper. Holly Glasscock, new college grad and cop wannabe, wins the role of Liv’s bodyguard with bold moves of her own. Convinced the job will propel her into a law enforcement career, Holly soon learns “to protect and to serve” She soon learns “to protect and to serve” takes more than education and martial arts skills. She’ll need wit, courage, and heart to keep Liv from the man called “Stealth,” a man tormented by the death of his twin brother, Brandon.

One person with two souls, Stealth will do anything to appease Brandon, even risk a final, desperate capture.

To purchase: Stealth Moves

Places where you can connect with Sanna:

Amazon author
Kirkus Reviews
WordPress Blog