WARNING: If you don't want to know what happened in this episode, don't read this photo recap!
With D'av and Jaq on a one-way ticket off Lucy, and Pip and Zeph headed to the armada, Dutch and Johnny are left to their own devices to hunt down this assassin who happens to be the clue to Dutch's memory. Johnny gets to work on setting course for the pulsar to track her down.
O Mother, Where Art Thou?: Season 4, Episode 7
But the same effect can be achieved with a flashback: 250 years ago, on Arkyn, the woman, named Yelena, barged in on Khlyen berated, and chastized him for ignoring her family lineage. Also, apparently, she's Aneela's mum.
O Mother, Where Art Thou?: Season 4, Episode 7
Meanwhile, Pree hunts down Gared who's about to get whooped by a couple Hullen guards. But Pree takes off his earrings, and avenges his hubbie. But that's just the beginning: Pree finds out that the Hullen have been mentally torturing Gared, and others. Gared's lost nearly all his short-term memory.
O Mother, Where Art Thou?: Season 4, Episode 7
And Dutch and Johnny may have found the pulsar they were looking for. But it comes with a catch: it starts to lure Lucy into the black hole that created it.
O Mother, Where Art Thou?: Season 4, Episode 7
Thankfully, it's only a fake black hole, and was set up to camouflage the pulsar. Johnny and Dutch land more or less in tact. Now the fun begins.
O Mother, Where Art Thou?: Season 4, Episode 7
In the past, Khlyen has taken Yalena to the same place, passing through the pulsar. But suspiciously, his body shows no signs of wear and tear, whereas hers does. So Yalena shoots Khlyen.
O Mother, Where Art Thou?: Season 4, Episode 7
Back in the present, Dutch is walking the very same path that Khlyen and Yalena once took. Only now, the place is inhabited by people with spears who don't take kindly to Dutch's presence, or that a ship has landed on their planet.
O Mother, Where Art Thou?: Season 4, Episode 7
But when Dutch says the magic words, "I am Khlyen's daughter", the welcome committee lower their spears, and take her to their stronghold. After all, these people are White Blade, and they're trained to follow custom.
O Mother, Where Art Thou?: Season 4, Episode 7
And back on Lucy, one of the White Blade assassins from the strange planet they landed on has got Johnny at the fatal end of a spear. He's gotten a bit upset when he hears that the Killjoys have killed his assassin buddy (or rather, that he committed suicide). In the nick of time, Lucy electrocutes the floor just as Johnny's feet are off it, incapacitating the assassin.
O Mother, Where Art Thou?: Season 4, Episode 7
Deep within the sanctum sanctorum Dutch is led to, she finds Yalena, who thinks she's Aneela, her daughter. Boy, is she upset to find that Dutch is not.
O Mother, Where Art Thou?: Season 4, Episode 7
Once inside the control center, Pree and Gared, with the help of Turin back on the armada, hack into the Hullen comms, and provide eyes throughout the whole system. When Gared gets a look at the kids through the surveillance cameras, he swears that they must come back to save them.
O Mother, Where Art Thou?: Season 4, Episode 7
Johnny finds the device the White Blade used to mimic the black hole. He can reverse program it so that it opens a small window through which he and Dutch can escape... but any longer, and it will crush them under the weight of immense gravity.
O Mother, Where Art Thou?: Season 4, Episode 7
Back on the Armada, Turin is planning to infiltrate the Hullen laboratory and bring back Pree and Gared. But Turin's Hullen henchman knows this is a really bad idea, and stops him the only way he knows how: by bashing Turin over the head.
O Mother, Where Art Thou?: Season 4, Episode 7
Yalena takes Dutch into the caves where once existed a green plasma pool. Now, it's all solidified, thanks to Khlyen's interventions. But Dutch assures Yalena that though the plasma pool is stagnant, the Lady is still very much a threat.
O Mother, Where Art Thou?: Season 4, Episode 7
So, apparently is Yalena. She sticks something in Dutch's neck that knocks her out.
O Mother, Where Art Thou?: Season 4, Episode 7
Turin's Hullen drops in on Pree and Gared, and springs them from the ship. Looks like he's got a heart after all! A Hullen heart, but a heart nonetheless.
O Mother, Where Art Thou?: Season 4, Episode 7
Dutch wakes up, and bursts out of the sarcophagus Yalena put her in. She finds Yalena back at the green plasma pool (which is more like a tub of jello) ready to use a chemical bomb to put an end to it forever. But Dutch returns, and convinces her to wait, at least until they can save Aneela from the green. If she can't, however, then it's curtains for both the Lady and Aneela.
O Mother, Where Art Thou?: Season 4, Episode 7
Dutch and Johnny make it out just in time, before the fake black hole really collapses and traps them. Dutch has the capsule in her hand — but hopefully she won't have to use it just yet.
O Mother, Where Art Thou?: Season 4, Episode 7
Back on the armada, the Killjoys have got eyes on what's going on back on the Hullen craft. Looks like the Lady is directing her agents outside the green to harvest plasma — enough to construct herself an exit.
O Mother, Where Art Thou?: Season 4, Episode 7
Dutch and Johnny receive a response to the message they shot D'av earlier. But it's not from D'avin. It's from an unidentified blackroot ship, most likely being helmed by Hullen. They're after Jaq.