Movie Magic – Part 2: Season 9, Episode 14 5 photos Next GalleryMovie Magic – Part 1: Selfies!: Season 9, Episode 13 193780Jasmine handles the paint on the Hunter character for Team Nora's movie, The Prey. "Slow down on the white!" cries Nora. 193781Nora touches up the back of the Hunted (or, rather, The Prey), keeping an eye on all characters equally. 193784Scott puts all his focus into getting those edges down - he wants Team Ben and his short film, Resurrection, to win! 193787Ben displays his laser focus as he prepares the alien creatures of his movie, Resurrection. 193790Damn, that guy's jacked. The Prey finds a formidable ally! 193793The judges watch the shoots from their exclusive Producers' Tent. Fancy! Hollywood! 193796Evan keeps an eye on his hardworking team as he lays in the color on his ultra-infected character from Quarantine Zone. 193799The Three Musketeers hold hands as they await the announcement of the Season 9 winner. No matter what happens next, they're friends 'til the end! 193802Nora wins the prize for The Prey! Hugs and tears and confetti everywhere. Face Off Season 10 commences in January 2016 - see you then! Previous Pause Next 1 of 9